Understanding Fixed Pricing Model

Get a comprehensive understanding of how our Fixed Pricing model works.

Project Details

Project Requirements

Existing Assets & info

  1. We engage in detailed conversations, either through a series of calls or in-person meetings, to thoroughly understand your project requirements.
  2. During this collaborative phase, we assess your existing assets and information. If we find that the gathered requirements are substantial, we proceed to provide you with a preliminary estimate of the cost and effort involved.
  3. If we find that the details are not enough we will guide you and get full details


Detailed Description



User Testing

  1. We initiate the process with an in-depth discovery phase, marking our first milestone. During this stage, we revisit the initial project requirements, enhancing them with detailed elements such as user stories, wireframes, and non-functional requirements.
  2. Building on this, we craft a comprehensive statement of work, accompanied by a detailed project outline and payment plan.
  3. Subsequent milestones are dedicated to delivering the specific scope of work outlined during this detailed discovery phase

Delivery & Go Live

Launch of Project

Decide Future Plan

  1. After completing the User Acceptance Testing stage, we proceed to a successful product launch. Throughout the Pilot phase, we ensure continuous support and maintenance.
  2. Following this phase, the transition can be customized based on your preference—either smoothly transferring all responsibilities to your team or opting for a monthly Support & Maintenance contract for ongoing care.

Why Choose Fixed Pricing?

Many clients opt for Fixed Pricing which is rigid allowing full budgetary control

Cost Predictability

With fixed pricing, clients enjoy a clear understanding of project costs from the outset. This predictability allows for accurate budgeting, eliminating the risk of unexpected expenses. Clients can confidently plan and allocate resources without concerns about fluctuating project expenses.

Budget Transparency

Fixed pricing ensures transparency throughout the project lifecycle. Clients receive a detailed breakdown of costs, allowing them to see exactly where their investment is allocated.

Simplified Decision-Making

Clients benefit from simplified decision-making processes with fixed pricing. By having a clear and predefined cost structure, clients can focus on project requirements and objectives rather than navigating complex pricing negotiations.

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